Saturday, April 7, 2018

Little by little

The beginning is always the hardest. Feelings of doubt, uncertainty and insecurity cloud your mind. You think of giving up even if you have not started anything yet. 

"It's impossible!", "I will not make it!", "I'm not good enough!" How many times have you told those belittling words to yourself? 

There's nothing wrong with being scared. It only becomes wrong once you let that fear eat you alive and destroy your dreams. Fear, a normal reaction of a normal human being (like you) when facing an uncomfortable situation. Like starting something new.

The tall building you admire while driving home, the famous musician you idolize, the bestselling book which happens to be your favorite, the movie which earned billions of dollars .. those started from something little. 

Take baby steps. Start from the bottom. Learn the hard way. Face what scares you. And keep holding on to that dream in your heart no matter how many times you feel like giving up. 


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