Sunday, April 8, 2018

Keep going

I don’t usually share personal struggles, but what I experienced might help someone who’s going through what I went through. 

The latter part of 2017 was a struggle for me. This might be shallow for some, but it really took a toll on my self-esteem. It started last November (2017). My skin broke out like crazy! It reacted negatively to a treatment and my whole face was covered in tiny bumps. 

Due to the nature of my work, I need to face people (artists, celebs) almost every single day. I hid behind fake smiles. I tried my hardest not to let my skin’s condition affect my whole life. 

It was hard. It was painful. My spirit was so low. But then I realized, there’s more to life than having clear, perfect skin. Why would I let my life revolve solely around it?

I learned to smile more. To focus on what truly matters. To laugh at a new breakout that would pop out. 

Thankfully, my skin is back to normal, after series of treatments, ups and downs, trials and error. I can go out again with no makeup on. Just keep going. Things will get better.🌻

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